Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Valley

So it appears that we have hit another valley, with a big mountain on the other side.  Challenges that some never wanted to face, yet others doubt that they have the energy to get through.  It causes doubt, and makes people desparate, wanting immediate change.  But haven't we been told that we get better, stronger during these challenges.  In James 1:12, we are told "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."

Eric Thomas tells us, "You gotta grind."  When times are tough, you gotta grind.  When you are tired, you gotta grind.  When facing a new challenge, you gotta grind.  Even when things aren't so bad, you gotta grind to make yourself better.  Most of our growth is done when we are going through the tough times.   

For some of us, we are going through those valleys of challenges ourselves.  We feel the struggle, and sometimes our own mindset drags us backwards or knocks us down.  We have to resist those times to go backwards though.  We need to keep moving forward, whether it's one inch, one foot or even miles, keep moving forward.  

Ironically, our stories have already been written.  And our challenges have already been defeated.  So set your compasses to get you out of that valley even if the biggest mountain is in front of you.  Our compass has already given us direction and is leading us there.  "The Lord directs the steps of the Godly.  He delights in every step of their lives." (Psalm 37:23). 

When you get to that mountain, figure out the best group to help you get to the top.  Then figure out how you can best help them to get there.  Don't settle for halfway, don't settle for mediocre.  Getting to the top is not easy, and there may be valleys along the way, but become the best version that you can be.  As for Tami and I, we are coming out of that valley.  We both have committed to things that we have not done ever or in at least ten years.  A valley doesn't have to have negative consequences.  A valley can be the start of something great.  

Thursday, November 5, 2020

What if the Cloud is Coming?

What if the Cloud is Coming?

Twenty-twenty. You have caused so much heartache, pain, and distortion.  People have died, others have fought.  But the time has come to end all that.  I have friends that have had dreams, or maybe even prophecies of the days we are in.  So, tonight, I put my head down and prayed.  Tears welled my eyes for the relationships that were once so treasured in our world are now being separated by politics, illness, and even hate. 

It was then that the question popped into my head, feeling like it hit me like a bolt of lightning.  Kind of an awakening.  One thing is certain.  We cannot rest in the pursuit of Jesus Christ.  Through Him we can be saved, sanctified, and healed before He comes again.  What if this is it?  What if He is in route?  Now is the time.  

Matthew chapter 24 reminds us that “And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world.”  But we can be assured because Jesus has already won.  

What if that Cloud is coming? What if the judgement is more near than ever before?  Have you done all that you need to?  Time is deceptive in terms of the Bible.  But rather than concern us with exactly when Jesus will be among us, let’s try to live so that we will be ready when He arrives.  The Bible is the inspired Word of God that we should no longer deny.  For if we deny God, then it is we that will be denied ourselves.  

And yet, don’t be troubled.  Don’t fret or fear the Second Coming because we are told that these times will come to pass also.  The best we can do is to live our lives as close to the example Jesus taught us by living Himself among us.  The best we can do is be the absolute version of ourselves that God created us for.  

The truth will come and that is not our judgement.  As a matter of fact, it is not even the court’s judgement that will matter.  There is only One that can judge. So in the meantime, do what you can to not deny God and to be the perfect image of God that He created only for you.  What if the Cloud is coming?