Saturday, December 5, 2020

A Christmas Past

 As I sit and reminisce of Christmas' when I was a child, I can't help but think how simple it was.  There was no crazy shopping the day after Thanksgiving.  That day was set aside to help to put the Christmas tree up.  Christmas lists were picked out of the Sears Christmas catalog, not an entire wish list in Amazon cart.  Kids seemed happy to open their one gift and then get their LifeSavers book in their stocking.  Christmas parties were celebrated with family, one on Christmas Eve and one on Christmas Day.

The world is too busy.  We shop at stores; we shop online.  We schedule too many Christmas parties that you don't have time to visit with those that are most important.  Worrying about getting enough gifts for all those people in your life.

I think my dad was on to something.  Ever since I can remember, whenever we would ask Dad what he wanted for Christmas, the answer was always the same, "I don't want anything you can buy.  I just want time with my family."  Here as I sit, I find myself telling my kids that same answer more and more for holidays, birthdays, etc.  I will always pick up the tab to have all my family sitting at the same table.  It doesn't matter what we are wearing or how fancy it is.  All that wastes too much time that could be spent together.

So then 2020 throws us the Covid Christmas.  Legislators and leaders are telling us not to meet, but that's just what this world needs more of.  We need to invest in the relationships of those important to us.  We need to spend time, virtually or in-person.  It doesn't matter.  Life's too short and it may be the last holiday with one of those important people.  I have been there, not knowing from one Christmas to the next, who would be with us at the table.

As we embark on this Christmas season, do something different than we have now been trained to do.  Stop shopping long enough to reach someone you love.  Stop overfilling schedules and spend the time,  quality time with those that are in for the long haul.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  And when you are thinking about all the things you "want," ask yourself what someone else needs.

I love you all, and Merry Christmas!!!

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