Friday, December 8, 2017

Stay Positive

Below is an article that I shared in another publication.  Please enjoy.

Each day that I come to work, I influence others, whether I try or not. It doesn’t matter if you put effort into it or not, your attitude influences others, and attitudes are one of the most contagious influences. Attitudes are also 100 percent in control of each of us.

Many studies have been done on the benefits of a positive attitude in the workplace, and in life in general. Studies have been completed by credible sources, including the Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins Medical Center, Harvard, and others. These studies have found that having a positive attitude has many benefits that not only improve the workplace, but also one’s life.

The benefits of having a positive attitude include an increase in productivity and a more positive work environment where employees are encouraged to participate productively in problem-solving. Through increased productivity, the business runs more smoothly and allows employees to learn from mistakes rather than go through disciplinary events.

Other benefits of a positive environment in the workplace include more cohesive units, better staff retention, fewer sick days, and the ability to achieve more organizational goals. When all these things are working together, studies have proven that there is better retention and recruitment of good staff.

A personal benefit of having a positive attitude is better overall health. Positive attitudes are contagious. Positive minds attract positive events, lower stress, and lead to higher motivation. One of the few things that you can actually control is your attitude. On a daily basis, we all have the opportunity to feed ourselves with positive or negative energy. Knowing that energy/ attitudes are contagious, we need to put the effort (another controllable) into breathing positivity into our lives so that we can be contagious for others.

As far as the workplace goes, I want to share a story. About two years ago, I had the opportunity to meet and listen to Author Jon Gordon, and he shared the following:

There’s a story about when President Lyndon Johnson visited NASA and as he was walking the halls he came across a janitor who was cleaning up a storm, like the Energizer bunny with a mop in his hand. The president walked over to the janitor and told him he was the best janitor he has ever seen and the janitor replied, “Sir, I'm not just a janitor, I helped put a man on the moon.” See, even though he was cleaning floors he had a bigger purpose and vision for his life. This is what kept him going and helped him excel in his job.

So, just like this janitor, our way of thinking changes how we view everything. If we can all work for one common goal, with the right attitude, great things can be accomplished.

Image result for positivity

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